Before the New Order collapsed in 1998,
Arifin Panigoro name is only known
limited circle as a businessman in
an oil field. Circle
more with her social
Pertamina and international petroleum business. However,
when the reform was "an old pregnancy" which is characterized by rampant
student demonstrations, political awareness Arifin rise. He
has become a symbol of political awakening the entrepreneur. Not only that,
he participated actively assist the movement of students,
including preparing lunch pack to be sent to
students who were staged in the Parliament Building Senayan
Alumni Elektro Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1973 this
started his business indirectly being the boss in Meta Epsi Drilling
Company (Medco). Before the 1980s, she initially only
as an electrical installation contractor door to door. Next start
pipe installation project on a small scale. Once there is a project
a large diameter, it is not serving a local businessman,
but foreign businessmen. So, every Pertamina
Tenders for the installation of large pipes, then the foreign companies that win because for pipaline need heavy equipment. Equipment
usually only owned by foreign companies.
Conditions that make him think, local entrepreneurs should also
given the opportunity or be assisted to be able to handle installation
large pipe and not only given a small job. Year
1981 he summoned the courage to begin to enter the project pipeline
a large diameter. For that job, he collaborated
with foreign companies. Deal, when a project is completed, for
the result is that equipment. Partner agrees, the project was completed. Since
it with the tool he was looking for projects everywhere.
In addition to holding foreign partners, support and protection from
government is essential. There's no way local entrepreneurs
new standing and no experience can suddenly compete
with foreign firms with experience in the field
petroleum for decades. Together with external partners and
government support was the way local businesses can
opened the door to a broader field of business. That way,
competition with foreign companies can be done.
Everything starts from the stage familiarize the local entrepreneurs
working on large projects. An example was experiencing with
Medco business flag occurred in 1979-1980 when there was oil
boom, the State Secretariat took the initiative to build
oil refineries because there is an additional budget. At that time,
government wishes to insert elements coaching for
local entrepreneurs, including Medco. At that time, the development
Cilacap refinery, Medco mated with one company from the United States. Finally, Medco who do not know anything about
installation of pipes, to be understood.
Similarly, when starting a business of oil drilling in 1981,
also not free from government assistance. According to Arifin, the year that was
Medco to be great starting point. At that time, he has
proximity with the Director General of Oil and Gas Wiharso who want no
local entrepreneurs in the project drilling services. Incidentally there
government equity participation to Pertamina, which would make
drilling for gas in South Sumatra.
The government encouraged him to join the tender, although no
ngebor equipment. The government summoned foreign companies
chance to win was asked to rent the equipment, or use
Medco people as partners. The purpose of the government at that time
is to raise local entrepreneurs. However, responses
from foreign companies that make Mr. Wiharso tersingung and
canceled. Then Mr. Wiharso asked him working on that project
alone. Arifin did not believe with this decision
because he did not have the experience to do the drilling.
The result, he was desperate because the project is tendered in 1979
should begin work in 1980. With feeling
sure, he also accepted the challenge. Early stage he instructed staff
who has the ability to explore the English language center
drilling equipment sales in the U.S.. Only when there is certainty
and known price, he flew from Jakarta to Houston.
It was his first trip to the U.S. experience. Capital "English Tarzan" and the money 300 000 dollars, he did
deal with the owner of the goods. As a result, deal a bad place.
The seller of goods request within two weeks of goods worth 4
million U.S. dollars already paid, if not then advances 300 000
U.S. dollar sunk. He was forced to accept the conditions because the position
offer the ugly. After that he immediately flew to Indonesia.
So long trip economy ticket, arrived in
Indonesia immediately sick. However, with tough conditions he
attempted to meet with Governor of Bank Indonesia Rachmat Saleh, then
to Pertamina.
How was the final step that must be done because he
still is a businessman "baby". Luckily, Mr. Piet Haryono
and Mr. Wiharso provide recommendations, Medco should be assisted.
The funds were liquid at the threshold of the agreement. Projects can run
appropriate time determined by the government.
On The assistance provided by the government, the judge Arifin
very positive for local entrepreneurs to compete. However, it remains
must be done right because if you can not, so misguided.
This is where the difficulty, sometimes the protection it gives results
vice versa. While given protection, employers became
After the pioneering efforts of the 80s, Medco begin glory
in 1990. Prior to 1990 Medco always cooperate
with third parties and to get in there not only
perseverance and normative consistency problem, but also business
hand line as a determinant. Because, to hunt down an oil well of no concern to thousands of U.S. dollars, but millions of U.S. dollars and it
was not necessarily see the oil.
However, the desire to remain independent, then the year 1990
for the first time Arifin buy oil wells at Tarakan,
East Kalimantan, worth 13 million U.S. dollars. The field was able to
producing 4000 barrels per day (bpd). In 1995, purchases more wells
PT Stanvac Indonesia's oldest oil owned by ExxonMobil, which until
currently owned by Medco's total production reached 80,000 bpd.
Perhaps this is the most glorious achievements of Arifin and
his company, Meta Epsi Drilling Company (Medco). Purchase
Stanvac was won through a tender which was her name
changed to Expan. With the purchase, PT Stanvac no longer
controlled by foreigners because the oldest oil company in Indonesia
It is wholly owned by Medco.
The success was supposedly because there are elements of pressure from the government.
Over the issue, Arifin revealed that he bought
the oil companies through international tender. To meet
directly with the person just can not. Only after completion
purchase, they can actually meet. He bought it
directly. It was backed up just 20 million. Then
production in 1996 was encouraged. As a result, one field alone could
obtain 320 million barrels of oil.
Success in the field of petroleum was to make others think Arifin
still in the mining sector. Why local people can not prosper
in gas, as well as in oil. Though Indonesia's one
largest gas producer in the world and many industries are shouting gas shortage? This statement is often made
depressed. If we see on the one hand, Indonesia ranked
number one in the world in the export of LNG because natural gas reserves far
more than oil. Now, the reserve has reached 170 trillion
cubic feet (TCF). If reserves were produced, up to 50 years were
will not be exhausted.
Gas exists outside the island of Java, but still must be taken to
Java Island for any price remains attractive. For example
PLN, if purchased gas cost only 3 dollars per million metric
british thermal unit (MMBTU) is very luxurious. However, if
synchronized with the fuel equal to 18 U.S. dollars per barrel.
The price was very cheap compared to the price of fuel that must be
PLN paid $ 30 dollars per barrel.
But, again, why there is no gas on the island of Java, this
government policy issues. So, it should Bappenas or
Minister of economic affairs the same thought, do continue to rely
oil whose price is 30 dollars a barrel. Medco to sell to
Pusri 1.8 U.S. dollars plus the cost of 0.5 cents worth of pipe, was able to
This is what he considers the policy was wrong. Similarly, project
built by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, which successfully
connecting the gas pipeline to Singapore, after that build pipeline
to Java is the wrong policy. Gas in South Sumatra
actually not much longer, so it should be taken to Java.
But, perhaps the government has the consideration of price in
Singapore is perhaps better. Success in business made him come into the world of adventure
political. At first he held a meeting at Hotel Radisson
Yogyakarta in 1997. Actually it is a meeting or
regular discussions. However, the effect was remarkable, especially for Arifin. He
accused of trying to thwart the General Session that will be
President Soeharto passed into the seventh time.
When the action heats up students, Arifin give assistance
consumption to the demonstrators who perform actions in Building
House of Representatives. Thousands of boxes of food delivered. No wonder then if
Arifin is an opinion that appears behind the action figures or bosses
the students. However, Arifin know that he is not alone. Movement
reform is a twist to make things better.
The temptation to step in the political world is still continuing. In the era
President BJ Habibie, Arifin Panigoro again entangled with the allegations
corruption criminal misuse of commercial paper worth more than
Rp 1.8 trillion. At that time, some circles believe dijeratnya
Arifin because of its proximity to the student movement. Even
during the reign of Megawati, Arifin again attempted to
snared by the prosecutor's case. From the beginning, he was convinced only
dikerjain because there are many parties who are not happy with
political activity that was involved.
His experience as a businessman made him not surprised
with political practice because in it there or lobbying activities
work, also money politics. For him, these days money is
business. From the first start as an entrepreneur, he does not
never make a deal with the facilities acquired. Likewise, the political affairs who is also part of
compromise cross-faction, the agreement of all power. The things that
not always use money, just understanding that we have something
a larger, let us live together. However, travel
not always smooth, the temptations are many. Moreover, political power
now after Soeharto era, relatively new players all.
Although accustomed to playing with money, but admitted Arifin
have limitations in play money. Unfortunately, the process
political or political decision-making process, it turns out money
who spoke. In fact, although he was a businessman, but he
want a business without money. Although he confessed, the way business
was not as clean as in the U.S.. In that country, treat eating
above 100 U.S. dollars is included categories bribes. He is not so
so, but crave good government and corporate
governance, in order to make this nation a better future.
He is counting, today, the money spent on anything. He would
calculate how much total money spent in elections
head regions in Indonesia, which will burden the budget each
area. Do not forget, it's public money from taxes. If the leader
play, certainly inflated the project funds, would also subordinate
took part. Thus corruption can result position
cause a chain effect, if the funds diverted Rp 1 trillion,
public money would be lost around Rp 10 trillion for the election
head region.
More in-depth introduction to the world of politics is when
new parties emerged in 1998-1999 after the fall of Soeharto from the presidency. At first, establish Arifin
relationships with various political figures, both community leaders
who had long known and newly emerging leaders. When
declaration of a new party was held, Arifin often attend.
However, the choice finally fell to the Democratic Party of Struggle led
Megawati Sukarnoputri. Together PDIP, Arifin also pitch
towards Senayan as a member of Parliament.
For the category of new players in world politics, real political career
Arifin fairly good. He could sit in the ranks of the DPP winning party
most votes in the election. He has led cross-faction,
also became Chairman of the PDIP faction of the MPR. However, the political world is
such as the fast-changing weather. Arifin, who is often known as
children "boarding" in the party bearing the fat red bull
considered less loyal to his party and began to take sides
opponent's political party heads.
Arifin Panigoro once considered as the inspiration of development
President Megawati's smooth road to the presidency, is now
regarded as a naughty child. The issue was rampant that Arifin
would be fired. However, until now, the issue did not bear fruit
become a reality.
On this issue, he argues that he issued,
it seems he should make a farewell ceremony with friends
friends. But, in fact he was thinking to get out.
According to him, if released he would be more pleased. As
working people, if you can not stop severance pay, if
dismissed even to severance pay. Although ready to come out, but about the future
politics remains unclear, and he still could not
to figure out where to dock. It happened because of
In 1998 he included a non-partisan, despite recent
join the party. Initially, he came to every event
inauguration of a new party, until finally joining the PDIP.
Arifin considers himself as an opportunist who fad-
fad. Or he just wants to have another five-year period, not
only be a definite pengusaha.Tetapi, thrifty,
ridiculous if it stops then immediately against PDIP, let alone want
topple Megawati.
If you actually withdraw from the political world, it is likely he will
relaxation and play golf in Paris or looking for a special school
for those who already lived in cities that have
delicious food. Maybe six months of rest first.
He was also among those who respect the Muslim scholar
Noercholish Madjid (Cak Nur). According to him, Cak Nur was not
politicians, but are interested to be president. When first
expressed his interest to be president Arifin include people who
early days came and asked, apparently the answer is
want. He thought, whoever this, she was from a different element
compared to other politicians. Thus can be
size moral, because morality must also be measurable. At the very least, politicians
there is a little shy. So, Cak Nur's nomination, can actually
improve the quality of the match. Regarding family life, the husband of Raisis A Panigoro
quite happy. Her children are grown, even the oldest
Maera Hanafiah soon married and endowed children
second. The youngest was added Yaser Mairi
education in Singapore in the IT field. Now, though somewhat
late, he realized that if he failed to give attention to
children, because the working hours inconsequential. Now, since the school
abroad, the children seemed to forget the parents.
Although the children go to school abroad, but no
which is specially prepared place. First child
a housewife, a second child was not prepared for it.
In principle, Medco is not a family company, so it's best
run by a professional. Incidentally, the sister of oil. Thus,
Hilmi Panigoro sit Medco.
He also will not force the children to continue business
parents. If the capacity is filled, go ahead if
going forward. He claimed not to fear if his company
held by others, yet all of the assets, reserves are not where-
Although now become "oil king", the husband of Raisis A
Panigoro is admitted, rich is relative. He claimed never to
count, whether he is rich or not, because all life
who lived kept rolling. For him, called rich is relative,
that in Indonesia, as he was already prominent. As
people who were banned several times for traveling abroad, he
also asked to what that wealth. As a romantic person, she admitted that she felt really
Rich, if you are in a concert of music that really
preferred. Like now, after can enjoy the strains of gamelan
Java, any Java listen to music before falling asleep, she
feel rich. So rich is quite simple for him, not asset
overflow or power.
Arifin was also aware, a time will retire as a person
petroleum. However, it does not mean he will remain silent. He
Medco plans to focus on the other is in
agribusiness sector. Nowadays many people are talking about
agriculture. The problem of cooking oil that is still less coconut
palm. Perhaps that is one port that will
its target later.
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