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I call Dharmawan Dayas''The Legend''. I think hedeserves to be called as such becausebusiness achievements during 40 yearsmore. Modest size we canused to see success is all people knowThe sun as a giant retail chain in Indonesia. The word sunnot only associated as a source of light and energy, butThere is also a retail everywhere. Now, the legend has62 years, but in conveying his ideas still geloranyasuch as young people. I think, the spirit of its business is stilltempestuous as he spoke.I saw Hari Darmawan like a man who does notnever run dry of energy. Things like this I think thatmake it a success, in addition to intelligence, hard work, andpioneering this effort from the very small.Breakers could be seen at his last. Heestablish a very unique retail, Dollar Value and House Sun.Dollar Value is unique because of their unique selling allgoods with a price of Rp 5,000 per unit. Strong impressionThis concept is the goods offered in this store very cheap,only Rp 5,000. The concept of all-Rp 5,000 have tremendous appeal for those who see from afar Dollar Value store, orled to a great curiosity to enter.After that, because the price is Rp 5,000 a person notLong thought to buy something. Because, the money of Rp 5,000 whileThis is not a big number, no need to plan longspend USD 5,000. So, people like being trapped forbuy because the price is very cheap these suggested.Houses Sun also has a strong concept, and the pricewhich is also cheap. Houses of the Sun, at first glance like retailSun, equally not sell vegetables. But here sellpets, furniture, furnishings, and so forth.In my opinion, there are three interesting things to be learned fromDharmawan Day experience. First, he called the business asseuatu that provides great benefits for everyone. Notto enrich themselves. This conclusion I think is very uniqueand also very precious. This principle I do not think so muchmenganutnya and needs to be disseminated. Because so far, theredeveloping a strong impression everywhere that business isthe proper way to extract the maximum profit. However,for that day is not enough.Businesses must provide welfare for the nation.For reasons like that, Day was not doing the business of betting. Withthis perspective, we can see all the retail businessDay developed. Furthermore it can be said that the business shouldcarried out by providing great benefits for consumersand the wider community, not just for big profit entrepreneur. If consumers feel the benefits greatly fromtransactions done, whatever the price of goodswould seem to offer reasonable sound. Because, in this waythis, consumers felt not only buy goods, but alsopay to get benefits that are sometimes notcan be measured by money. Benefit to society can be interpretedthat the business is absorbing a lot of labor.Secondly, business must be done in business despiteagainst their own families. It is seen from Day 18 year oldwhen newly established his first store named MickeyMouse in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta. At that time, he had just marriedand given a place by-laws for businesses. It is verymeans have been invested by the father of his wife howlooked at the business. First, the business should start from small,and second, all the calculations with his father's place asbusiness in general. The doctrine is simple but makes Dayaccelerated. At that time, he was only given a piece of the place, and ina few months where it should be redemption. So, not facilitiesfree as we are often done by some other person untiltoday. That way, he worked hard to restoreloan to his father. And its unique, Day must buildbusiness in the region that are not so friendly when itbecause many of its gangster. So, although the child orto his own father, a business conducted in a business relationship. Sureany family relationship must persist in the family,Today though not tell it. Third, Day started a small business from, and thenevolved into the giant it is now. Small Businessinitially is in accordance with its capabilities, from here helearn raising business.Knowledge and ability to manage business growthtogether with his business so that he can still control the businessafter a giant several decades later.In other words, as often I often refer to asconcept grew from the bottom.Controlling a large business is very different frommanaging the business is still small. Therefore, if the businessoccupied "greater" than the ability of its administrators, it is certainbusiness will be destroyed. This is often referred to people asexperience.Just imagine, someone who has never been a business and withoutbusiness schools as well, and manage the Sun that have been submittedgiant?* This article was published in the daily afternoon VOTING REFORM15 August 2003 Bookmark and Share