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Posted by ladys | 6:14 AM | 0 comments »

"One thing I love about this [decade] isthis is a period, the reality is Nowheredriving the expectation. "Bill Gates, 2004International Consumer Electronics Show KeynoteWilliam Henry Gates III was born in 1955, the second childof three brothers in the state's leading socialSeattle, Washington. His father was a lawyer withcompanies that have many connections in town, and his mothera teacher, who was active in charitable activities. Bill aa bright child, but she was too full of spirit andtend to frequently get into trouble at school. Whenshe was eleven years old, his parents decided tomake changes and send them to the Lakeside School,an elementary school special for a prestigious boysmale.At Lakeside that Gates in 1968 tofirst time introduced the world's computers, inform of a teletype machine that connected to the phone to a computer time sharing. This machine, calledASR-33, the situation is still the market. In essence thisa typewriter that students can enter into itcommand that is sent to the computer; answers backtyped into the teletype paper roll. This processinconvenient, but changing the lives of Gates. He was withquick the BASIC computer programming language, andtogether with the hackers who taught himself at Lakeside,he spent time with hours and hours writing a program,doing games, and generally learn a lotthing about computers. "He was a 'nerd' (eccentric),"as one of his teachers to give Gates a nicknameit.Around 1975, when Gates with Paul Allenat the school together to prepare programThe first software for micro computers. As the story inPopular Electronics about the "era of computers in homes"and they both believe software is the future. Thisearly Microsoft. Communication is simple: Paul and Gatestalk about coke and pizza. Nobodyattention to our opinions seriously. Allchanges in the last two decades. Gates still like junk food, but he alsospent two hours a day reading and answeringelectronic mail sent Microsoft's 15,000 employees.Also a lot of emails from outside Microsoft.Questions range from howexperiences of a family (menyenangkan!), what movieI love (Schindler's List and Shadowlands), untilcomplex questions that must be opened first book to beanswer (and just happened to also write a book!).The problem, Gates spent a long timeday answering emails and lectured or managehis company.Gates tried to run both, but he did notopportunity to communicate with many groupsdiverse and numerous emails that did not get answered.Gates thrilled to write because through this paperallowed him to communicate with the group that morevariety without having to teredit into pieces orfiltered by one's perception.In fact, not all questions submittedvia email.Sometimes people intercepting Gates at airports orurging him to answer questions on computer fairs or school children sending lettershim.A student recently asked onequestions that are important to him. He wanted to knownot something that is very philosophical, as it was possibleyou guessed example of free market economics.He just wanted to know, "whether Gates was too lateforay into the software industry and build acompany and then become rich? ".Gates was happy to receive questions andthe answer is always the same, "It's time to go into business,software. "Gates did not say you can buildOther Microsoft. But at least you can getturnover of two million dollars a year by selling10,000 copies of products worth 200 dollars.Pretty good and could happen anytime.Because Gates remembers how to pull starta software company, he also enjoyed the storythe success of others.A small software company always slowlyonset.The company initiated a person who hasideas. He is, man or woman, looking for some friends who know how to make programs and their laterinstituted a product.Lots of art work they are doingbecause they care about the job.Usually they make a product for onecustomer and because the results are satisfactory, they immediatelyhave other buyers.If you want to start a company, strategyThe main find an appropriate social environment.Forget the desire to create a word-processingwords to write, or a spreadsheet program foranalyze financial, or other major producthis rival was a lot.Instead, create a product that can helpusers can do specific work orprovide practical information in areas such as drug-pharmaceuticals, insurance, accounting, architecture or fieldgovernment.Software like that bring fortunesmall.If you are not satisfied with a small fortunescale, you must arrive at the transitional stagegeneration. This time, expensive and risky. Every few years a generation of technologyprovide new roads. Remember the IBM PC in the early emergencein the 1980s.Microsoft bet on IBM PCs will become important.Then Microsoft created MS-DOS operating systemfor the IBM PC.The result is a pioneer in the software Microsoftoperating system.No one ever heard of Lotusuntil a brilliant idea implement changescreated the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet generation firstdesigned specifically for the IBM PC.Apple's Macintosh and Microsoft Windows arethe winner then, when the world wantsgraphic processing and leave the old programdisplays only the text.To get a big victory, you tooshould concentrate on the change of generations,something that big companies ignored. And the stakesvery expensive.Recently a number of entrepreneurs speculatingsoftware that can be used by computer userswrite by hand - no longer pressing on the letter - will become a new generation of word processing software isspreadsheet.They started creating new productsthey think will win the competition. They were wrong.A great speculation. What should I advise thea student who wants to become self-employedsoftware?Learn strands of an existing company.Find your own social environment.The ties with venture capital.Find a smart person.And do not forget the coke and pizza.Believe me, there will be plenty of work at nightsoluble.Please after reading it, if acceptable, give comments, saying, on blogs or coz This ebook is a gift

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